TOK in Geography on-line course
Theory of Knowledge (TOK) gives students the opportunity to reflect on the nature of knowledge – its types, sources, bias, ways of acquiring, and meaning. TOK is present and vital throughout different sciences, including Geography. Materials available below allow for approaching basic TOK questions in geographic context:
- How do we know what Earth is? How do we know our habitats? How do we know different places?
- What is the difference between place and space?
- Where does our knowledge about the Earth (both places and space) come from?
- How do we measure humans actions (and their impacts) on places and in space?
- How our knowledge about the world (both places and space) is shaped by our perspective?
- What are other perspectives and types of knowledge about humans and their interactions in space?
Please scroll down to access all the lessons and necessary materials – most of them serve as a basis for further discussion.
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